
Definition: Noun is the name of thing, person, place etc. Nouns can be subject or can be object of a verb.

Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, table, chair, pencil, dog, cow, bridge, elephant, lion etc.

Types of Nouns:
There are several different types of nouns- Proper nouns, Common nouns, Concrete nouns, Abstract nouns, Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns.

Proper nouns: A proper noun is the name of specific thing, person and place. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
Examples: Rahim, Malin, Lovisa, Milon, Dhaka, Stockholm, Washington DC, Paris, London, Bangladesh, Sweden, USA etc.

Common nouns: Common nouns are names that can be persons, places, things or ideas but not can be a single person, place and thing. It starts with a small letter unless it is the beginning of a sentence.
Examples: man, woman, son, cat, dog, cow, laptop, book, watch, mobile, chair, college, city, pride, love etc

Collective nouns: A collective noun is a noun that can be a group of person or thing.
Examples: Team, Cabinet, Union, Bunch, Federation, Orchestra, Jury etc.   

Abstract nouns: Abstract noun is a noun which refers to feelings, concepts, states, qualities etc.
Examples: Romance, friendship, ministry, honesty, intelligence, happiness, childhood etc are Abstract nouns.

Countable nouns: Countable nouns are names of peoples, things, places that we can count.  
Examples: One dog, three chairs, many books, few tigers, some dogs, any mobile etc.

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